
This is the website of the Dutilh Family Foundation

The Dutilh family originates from Aquitaine, the French Region located in the South West of the country, in particular from places like Bearn and Orthez. Until to date this is the region where most Dutilh’s are living.

The Dutch Dutilh family descends from Clairac, the city which its ancestors left in around 1700. At present around ninety descendants live around the world, but most of them still live in The Netherlands, with a large number in both Rotterdam and Amsterdam.

In 1962 the Dutch family established the Dutilh Family Foundation, with three main objectives:

  1. Maintain and support the interaction between members of the family
  2. Stimulate collection and preservation of family heritage
  3. Create a better understanding of the family history

This website is one of the tools to achieve those objectives.


Dutilhiteiten 2024

Dutilhiteiten 2023

Dutilhiteiten 2022

Dutilhiteiten 2021

This edition is also available as an English translation.


Bas Dutilh finds human microbiome virus in one-third of all countries

In 2014, Bas Dutilh discovered crAssphage, a new virus that infects bacteria associated to the human intestine, just by analysing “big data”. Although the virus had never been seen before, crAssphage was present in well over 50% of almost one thousand datasets from human faecal samples. As a follow-up of that article, he has now convinced more than 100 scientists worldwide to look for crAssphage in sewage and human faecal samples from their country. Bas is senior author of the resulting publication in Nature Microbiology that describes how they found the virus in one-third of the countries of the world. This new research also suggests why crAssphage is so widespread: the team showed that crAssphage has been with us since the dawn of humankind and has spread with us as we colonised the globe. CrAssphage seems to have no effect on human health or disease, so without impeding our fitness the virus could survive in the human lineage without being selected out. [The image is an electron microscopy photograph taken by Colin Hill, whose team was the first to isolate a crAssphage-like virus from Irish fecal samples in 2018.]

Catarina Dutilh Novaes appointed Professorial Fellow at St Andrews

Together with four other philosophers, Catarina Dutilh Novaes has been appointed in June 2019 as Professorial Fellow at St Andrews (UK). Fellows are in residence for six weeks per year, contributing to the research projects at the Centres and contributing to the postgraduate experience.  Initial appointments are for five years. In 2018 Catarina has been contributing to a Conceptual Engineering Seminar at Arché, a philosophical research centre at the University of St Andrews, with a talk “Carnapian Explications

Bas Dutilh amongst most frequently cited scientists

Bas Dutilh is mentioned on a list, published on November 27 2018 by Clarivate Analytics, an American company that offers services (such as Web of Science) for scientific research. The list presents the 1 percent most frequently cited scientists of the past ten years by discipline. Bas is working at the Utrecht University as well as the Radboud University in Nijmegen. More information

Featured Portrait

Maria Catharine Dutilh-Carlen (1715-1776). More portraits in the Portrait Gallery.